
Looking for the best solutions to reference your website?

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    Why LGM Solution?

    We Carry out all the Audits your Company Requires

    Content Auditing

    Our role involves ensuring that your site meets its full potential and
    is visible on the web. We can verify the content of your site’s
    pages, the quality of the information conveyed, and the relevance
    of the keywords used.

    This audit depends partly on analysing the content of competitors’

    Technical Auditing

    We use a crawler to examine the entirety of your website’s techni-
    cal quality, identifying any technical weaknesses and perfecting
    the site’s structure.

    This includes a performance audit, where we focus on verifying
    that links are visible and function correctly, that images and pages
    load quickly, that the tree structure is optimised, that the site is
    accessible, and that it is compatible with all browsers.

    Quality Auditing

    We can optimise the ergonomics of your site so as to give visitors a
    more comfortable experience, making it more intuitive to navigate.
    We analyse the coherence of the site’s functions and how they
    fulfil its aims, and maximise ease of navigation, usability, interact-
    ivity, rate of reuse, and aesthetics.

    By carrying out these audits, our experts do the work your
    company needs, contributing to your online success. An invest-
    ment worth making if you wish to optimise your website’s search
    ranking, SEO auditing solutions enable the site’s visibility to be
    increased and help promote the image of your company online.

    Site auditing can involve analysis of the site’s content, technical
    aspects, and ergonomic qualities.

    Thanks to Website Auditing,
    your company can

    Site auditing can involve several approaches,analysing both the site’s
    content and its technical/ergonomic aspects

    We offer website improvement solutions all over

    What our Clients Say

    LGM Solution has more than 2 300 happy clients. We work hard to make their lives easier.
    We asked them, what they think about us. Check out, what they said